Support Forum - PROPPRINT:Device

09/15/2022 11:19 Piet G.M. Bouma wrote:


If I write the following:
Loc:CurrentPrinter = PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device}   

what is PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device}  

is that the default printer in Windows
is that the defsaultprinter in Clarion ?

09/15/2022 13:22 Oleg Fomin wrote:

It is default printer for Clarion application. When application is starting,
PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device} initialized by default Windows printer. Afterwards, it
can be changed either manually by user (through PRINTERDIALOG) or
programmatically. {PROPPRINT:Device} is a read/write property. It may be set for
the PRINTER built-in variable before the report is open.

01/27/2023 09:48 Piet Bouma wrote:

A customer still has issues.
The (Clarion) program is on the fileserver. The local computer has a shortcut to
the program (IPdriver also present). The issue: On the frontdesk (pc-shop) he
prints a label to a labelprinter (Dymo) from the program. Now he makes an
invoice and prints that to the laserprinter...but: the invoice goes to the
labelprinter. In the program I alreadu made it so that before printing an
invoice I select the default printer (the laserpr). But does not help.
Could it be possible that seelecting PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device} is not the local
printer but the server-printer? I mean the Dymo labelprinter is a local printer.

02/01/2023 00:46 Oleg Fomin wrote:

> Could it be possible that seelecting PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device} is not the
printer but the server-printer?

Setting PRINTER{PROPPRINT:Device} is just a string, it is successful if printer
name is correct and can be accessible from local computer.

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