Support Forum - Does FRB to PDF support chinese character?

10/19/2021 04:59 Nelson wrote:


I am using FRB Report To PDF and it is successfully exported as PDF file.

When I preview, chinese character is display perfectly, but when export as PDF
file, chinese character will become funny character.

May I know how can I resolve this issue?



10/19/2021 20:00 Oleg Fomin wrote:

Hi Nelson,

SoftVelocity's PDF Output Generator doesn't fully support national characters.
At least we are having the same problem with Russian language. The only way to
show Russian characters in standard Clarion reports is to use "Scan Copy Mode"
of SV PDF Output Generator.

Try to add following code to PdfReporter.SetUp method.


10/20/2021 02:43 Nelson wrote:

Hi Oleg,

Thank you very much, problem solved.


08/19/2024 06:25 Nelson wrote:

Hi Oleg,

I have encountered another issue. If use SetScanCopyMode, the file size is very 
big even i have lower down the resolution. Any better approach for us to manage 
the file size. If using external PDF printer like Microsoft Print to PDF / 
PDFCreator, is there a way for us to set the file name of saved PDF or print job


08/21/2024 09:42 Oleg Fomin wrote:

Microsoft Print to PDF - this is system printer driver, I don't know a way to
set up a file name when print from Clarion program.

You need one of Clarion third-party accessory tools for PDF output controlled by
your program.

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