Support Forum

  Visitor: User 2710
   Image display in report formatter  Greg Berthume   01/07/2025 
[+7]  Need alternative to the File Dialog  Greg Berthume   11/14/2024 
[+1]  Scroll down feature with Print Manager  Stanley Stockenstrom   11/02/2024 
[+1]  How to set report title at runtime  Nelson   11/04/2024 
[+1]  Multiple sorting bands using same field  Andy Pelton   09/18/2024 
[+8]  saved printer - not saved  Piet G.M. Bouma   11/24/2020 
[+1]  Crash When selecting color  Ray Rippey   08/08/2024 
[+4]  Does FRB to PDF support chinese character?  Nelson   10/19/2021 
[+1]  Page Premature Overflow v3.48 C11.1.13815  Martin Spaans   10/23/2023 
[+1]  coding req to print Frb report (button)  Stanley Stockenstrom   04/19/2024 
[+2]  Report Editor Not Displayed  Edgar Gonzalez   04/01/2024 
[+1]  Unknown template type SpanishLocale(FRBC)  Edgar Gonzalez Rodriguez   03/29/2024 
[+1]  Any 3rd party QR code work with FRB?  Nelson Yong   02/27/2024 
[+2]  Is it possible to print labels to Dymo 550  Piet Bouma   01/13/2024 
[+3]  print no record report  Terry   12/05/2023 
[+1]  Picture leading symbol  stoyanov   11/25/2023 
[+1]  Thousands Separator in a millon  Mauricio   08/28/2023 
[+2]  Don't let modify frame  Luis Marcantoni   05/29/2023 
[+2]  ping Oleg  YF Yap   03/30/2023 
[+3]  PROPPRINT:Device  Piet G.M. Bouma   09/15/2022 
[+2]  Build 3.45 Image not showing on new report  Ian Cook   03/11/2020 
[+6]  Printing details  Kelvin Chua   02/28/2022 
[+3]  Excel export not showing -ve values  Simon Calleja-Urry   08/01/2017 
[+1]  Export to XLSX  Igor Sane   03/21/2022 
[+1]  file order  herve gevet   02/07/2022 
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